Thursday, April 7, 2011


Seattle Barista Academy,espresso,etching,latte art,coffee barista training,coffee shop training,barista education

....just a regular cup o' joe? I think not....creativity can turn a cup of coffee into a work of art...

As promised, I wanted to write a brief reflection on last month's March Madness poetry run. I chose to do it because for some reason the creative monster inside of me had awakened. There are times in life when it seems like if you don't create something, pour yourself out into will bust! That's what I was feeling...and it continues. I chose poetry to be my outlet because it is my first love. I forgot how much I loved it during my years in college and teaching....too busy. My life is so slow now, I have had time to fall in love once more. So thankful.

All that said, I gained two important gems from the March Madness experience. The first gem I gained is a better understanding of what matters to me. The topics I write on are the same things that are at the core of who I love for my husband and my son, devotion, simple pleasures, and a desire for a more just, ethical world. The poetry that comes stems naturally from these things. The second gem? I learned that the most beautiful insights in life can come from the most mundane. There is meaning in every moment if we sit, be still, and create meaning. My challenge to myself was to write a new poem, everyday for the rest of the month of March. I did that. Now, my challenge to myself is to continue to create meaning from the mundane for the rest of my life. I am up to the challenge. And you?