Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Life After Motherhood

This is for all the mommies out there! I had some things on my mind this morning and thought I'd post a little on that. I have been thinking about GOALS a lot lately. There are things I want to do, to accomplish in my life that aren't necessarily related to me being a mommy. I mean, it is true, I am a mommy....but that is not the all in all of who I am or what defines me. Before I was a mommy, I was a Monica...and I still am a Monica. So, my purpose or goals for my life should naturally extend beyond just how great of a mommy I want to be. More than that, I want to be a great, well-rounded PERSON who GIVES/CONTRIBUTES to something outside of myself and leaves a legacy that inspires people. That is one of my ultimate goals and there are countless others (traveling across Europe, starting my own learning center, learning to ballroom dance, completing a marathon, taking a foodie tour of America, etc., etc.)

Many times, I find myself struggling to not feel guilty about having a life outside of being a mommy and devoting time to those goals. Like the past couple of days, for example, I've been spending so much time with my son that it actually feels wrong to even think about stealing time away for myself to blog, to write (or is that an excuse...oops!). But, something someone once told me has stuck with me. She said, "What better thing could we do for our children and our husbands than to lead a productive, successful life -- to be a model of how to do that for our children?" Everyone has their own definition of what a productive, successful life means, what it looks like. Even our own definitions change from year to year, maybe even day to day. Some people have visions of changing the world, others aim to devote and invest time in their immediate sphere of influence (family, friends, neighbors). Are either of these greater or lesser? No, at least I do not think so. The thing is this.... what makes us happy, what drives us, what is our purpose? Do we have goals that are centered around that purpose so that we are always moving forward, getting better, improving, growing? Without goals or a purpose, we stay in one spot all of our lives...and I really do not think that is how life is meant to be lived.

So, time for some audience participation. My questions to you are: 1) What are your thoughts on guilt and finding balance between being a mom and being a person (for the ladies, although men might have good insight--they can surprise you from time to time)? 2) Do you have goals outside of motherhood and if so, 3) Would you be willing to share some of those by commenting? I thought it might be good to put down one goal you want to accomplish for this week, one goal for the next couple of months, and one goal for the year. To break the ice...I'll go first :)

A side note: In my teacher training I learned that its important to AIM HIGH with your goals. Basically, you will only go as far as you reach for, so might as well AIM HIGH:)

This week: To get at least 5 intense workouts/runs in by next Wed.

This month: To finish writing my book (two chapters left!!!!)

This year: To have completed my book and published it (as an audiobook, electronically, and as a hard copy), begun a full-fledged marketing campaign, and have had a "release party" on or by my 30th birthday.

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